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Q1: How can I use a coupon code on Pomelo Fashion?
A: To use a coupon code, simply add your favorite items to the cart and proceed to checkout. Before completing your purchase, enter your coupon code in the designated field, and click "Apply." The discount will automatically be deducted from your total.
Q2: Can I redeem multiple coupon codes on a single order?
A: Unfortunately, you can only use one coupon code per order. If you have multiple coupon codes, choose the one that gives you the best offer.
Q3: Where can I find the latest Pomelo Fashion offers?
A: Stay updated with our latest offers by signing up for our newsletter or checking the "Offers" section on our website. We regularly provide special promotions, discounts, and exclusive deals.
Q4: How do I know if my coupon code is valid?
A: After entering your coupon code at checkout, the discount will immediately reflect on your order summary. If the code is invalid or expired, you will receive an error message. Be sure to check the terms and conditions for each offer.
Q5: Can I redeem a coupon code after I’ve placed my order?
A: Coupon codes must be applied before finalizing your order. Once an order has been completed, you will not be able to redeem a coupon code retroactively.
Q6: What should I do if my coupon code isn't working?
A: If your coupon code isn't working, make sure it hasn’t expired and check that it meets the conditions of the offer. If you still have issues, contact our customer service for assistance.