Sulfar Portable Atomizing sanitizing fogger disinfectant machine|Hand-Held Fogger Sanitizer, kills Insects & Mosquitos in the House And Outside Too. it’s Used To Sanitize The Place By Filling Liquid Sanitizer In It.
- Sulfar Portable Atomizing sanitizing fogger disinfectant machine|Hand-Held Fogger Sanitizer Is Stylish.
- Timing Function are often Realized By Rotating The Button.
- The Liquid Is Not Safe For Delivery, The Product Does Not Contain Disinfected Water, And Customers Can Buy Automized Disinfected Water Locally.
- East To Operate
- Remove Odor.
- 100Ml Automized Liquid Can Purify About 15-20 Square Meters Of Space.
- The Fog Diameter Is About 5 Microns, Dedicated, Firm, Long Suspension Time, No Water Drop, PM 2.5 Removal, Formaldehyde Etc.
- Hand-held Fogger Sanitizer Machine
- Fogger Disinfected sanitizer Machine.